I’m trying not to think about how I’m going to get several large deliveries of prints (including frames) across London over the next couple of weeks.
I have a custom made bag (and when I say custom made, I mean made by me, with bits of left-over canvas). This is embarrassingly huge but at least I can sling it over my shoulder. Unfortunately I don’t have a portfolio large enough for the biggest acetated prints so they will have to go in too. Curvature of the spine is not something I like to think about. And, of course, transporting large work about on the train and tube is always an interesting way of meeting people: Whack …sorry…oh God, I’m sorry… Oh, was that your knee? sorry…..bang….sorry. Yes it is mine, yes it is irritating….sorry for being alive, etc., etc. A cab is probably out of the question but is extremely tempting…… |