At the end of last year, our landlord at the studio kindly offered to put our rent up by 60%. Strangely, us poor struggling artists just couldn’t afford it.
And, anyway this is Woolwich, so just look at what was on the other side of the building.
Many dust-filled, back-breaking hours later, it was finally time to get the broom out..
And so begins The Great Moving In Day – well, it’s a start…
Where’s all this stuff come from? And more importantly, where’s it all supposed to go?
Securing the print drying rack to the wall – I did my bit by taking a photo……
And finally it’s time to move the presses – I took up nail biting…
….because if the cast iron cracks on the 170 year old Albion, then it’s done for.
Panic over. Both presses went in safely – and I gave up the nail biting…

A lovely day for Louise, sorting out the storage shelves.
I think that’s probably enough stuff on the shelves for now…..
At last, Home Sweet Home!
Back to work – and they’ll have to carry me out in a box before I do that again…