New Print in Progress

I’m just getting started on a new linocut today. It’s of one of my favourite parts of Soho.
Walkers Court is a narrow alley connecting Berwick Street Market with Brewer Street and it’s lined with the sort of seedy establishments you’d expect in that neighbourhood, with Raymonds Revue Bar at one end and a ‘book’ shop at the other….
This will be the third time I’ve used Walkers Court in a print. Here is one from a couple of years ago, called Soho Sunrise, looking through the alley from the Brewer Street end.

Christmas Show in Cambridge

I will be having some framed work on show in Cambridge Contemporary Art from 14th November to 24th December.

This is in their mixed Christmas Exhibition and has a wonderfully varied range of art, perfect for presents!
Come along and have a look..

Cambridge Contemporary Art,
6 Trinity Street,
Cambridge, CB2 1SU
Tel 01223 324 222

The image shown is Midnight Metro and is available to view at the gallery.

Jags Art Fair

Three of us at Half Moon Studio- Susie Perring, Karen Keogh and myself- will be showing at the Jags Art Fair.
It’s open on Saturday 21st November 11-5 and Sunday 22nd November 11-4. Admission is £5 but will be offset against any purchases.
The address is James Allen Girls School, East Dulwich Grove, London SE22.
Image shown is Platform Two Westbound, Oil on Linen, £595

Tools of the trade

Here are some of my tools for cutting the lino which as you can see, have had a hard life.
In wood engraving they have similar tools with wonderfully archaic names like lozenge graver, spit sticker and scorper…….
I don’t have names for mine, unless they cut me and then they’re called, well, never mind…

Paintings at Art Fairs

And here is my own work on display at the Affordable Art Fair. I sold three of the four little paintings shown on the right, which was very nice….
I only sell my paintings at our studio stands at the art fairs, as I’ve found it doesn’t make financial sense to sell them through the galleries. Unfortunately I would need to double the prices, to take into account the commission that galleries need to charge, or accept only half what I can get for them myself.
Luckily I paint so slowly that there are never any left over after the art fairs anyway…

New print – City of Gold

I showed a picture of a block I was working on back on August 24th – well, here is the finished print at last.
It is another view of London Bridge station and was a bit of a labour of love as it’s the biggest print I can produce on my press, coming in at 70cms x 40cms.
It will also be on show at the Affordable Art Fair priced at £250 unframed and £340 framed.
It’s called City of Gold, the idea being that London’s streets are paved with gold and as the print has lots of golden yellow in it, well….
I know, I surprise myself sometimes too.

First Light at Farringdon

Here I am, in front of my linocut, on the 246-metre-long hoarding which has been installed on Blackfriars Bridge, where the eastern side of the pavement has been closed to pedestrians as part of the Thameslink Programme works to rebuild and extend Blackfriars Station over the next two years.
The hoardings have reproductions of four artworks displayed as part of a collaboration between Network Rail and the Bankside Gallery.
The print selected is called First Light at Farringdon and is available from Bankside for £220, unframed. A card is also available to buy at all good shops and galleries.

Bankside Gallery,
48 Hopton St.,
London United KingdomSE1 9JH,

Tel: 020 7928 7521
Open: Daily 11am-6pm
Admission free