Hand-in day for the RA summer exhibition. There was a long-ish queue enlivened by some celebrity interviewing the hopeful – don’t think we were filmed, though maybe they caught the back of our heads…
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Featured Artist show
Windmill Theatre
New work
I’m currently hard at work on a new print featuring a street scene with the Windmill Theatre in the centre. I’m trying out a slightly different and more interesting perspective on this one. I’ll post some drawings as soon as I can.
Inspiration for the New Year
I won’t be able to get to the studio until next week and so I’ve been looking through my sketchbooks for inspiration. I like to have some ideas in my head before I go in – it’s too intimidating otherwise and I end up drinking tea and tidying instead….
I quite like the sketches I did in the summer of Ruperts Court in Soho – here are a couple which I’m mulling over.
Hot off the Press
Rear Window
Had I realised how difficult this subject would be, I doubt if I’d have even started it.
I think it’s because there are three separate areas within the picture to tackle – inside the room where the viewer is sitting, outside in the street, and then inside the empty shop opposite – and the light needed to read properly too.
It was very difficult to get enough variation between the three parts – oh, well, it’s done now…